Floyd Douglas (b. 1982) messages lie beneath the surface and only reveal themselves upon second glance. Originally inspired by the fusion of Pop Art with the depiction of cityscapes, the Dutchman has continued to perfect his art over the years to further sharpen his artistic message. The viewer is challenged to question his relationship to the cult figures and celebrities that define our lives, and to critically rethink the fascination with consumerism, stardom, and supposedly glamorous city life that is rooted in our collective memory.

"In today's world, the entire concept of collective connectivity is so blatantly evident tous all - yet most choose to turn a blind eye. A butterfly flaps it swings in Tokyo that turns the tides in Patagonia. I dedicate my being, ensuring maintain an open heart and an open mind to the rupture in our connected fiber. Only by casting the light of consciousness will we be free and synchronised." - Floyd Douglas

Unique technique

Douglas' artistic technique is unique and the result of years of experimentation. He skillfully transfers traditional canvas representation into the flow of his three-dimensional forms, which never ceases to amaze his audience. He has adopted acrylic as his material; this special plastic allows him to bend the artwork into any shape imaginable to create that impressive sculptural impression. Through the sweeping and gentle movements in the forms, the artist manages to convey his statements, which are as bold as they are quick-witted, as if they were being whispered.

Selection of available artworks: Floyd Douglas


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