Galerie Mensing Hamm-Rhynern

Galerie Mensing Hamm-Rhynern

The Mensing headquarters in Hamm-Rhynern is a veritable place of pilgrimage for art lovers from all over the world. A unique collection of artworks awaits you here on several floors, staged in the stylish ambience of classicism or the sober clarity of modernism.

An impressive selection of original works of art, prints and sculptures by renowned artists of the classical modern era such as Marc Chagall, Salvador Dalí and Joan Miró as well as contemporary greats such as Romero Britto, Charles Fazzino and Luigi Rocca are presented on more than 2,000 m².

As one of the leading art dealers in Germany, we offer you an incomparable selection of works of art from a wide range of styles and epochs here in Hamm. Whether you are looking for a special one-of-a-kind piece for your collection or simply want to buy art to brighten up your premises - you are sure to find the right work of art here.

In our gallery in Hamm, you have the opportunity to enjoy art undisturbed and indulge in your impressions in a completely relaxed manner. Our competent staff will be happy to advise you and answer any questions you may have on the subject of art.

Visit us at the Mensing headquarters in Hamm and let yourself be inspired by the unique atmosphere of our gallery.


Harry Mensing


Ostendorfstraße 2–8
59069 Hamm-Rhynern

Tel. 02385 5018
Fax 02385 2910

[email protected]

Current opening hours:
Monday - Saturday: 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Our Mensing Gallery in Hamm will be closed on 30 December 2023.

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